Species - Threats - Conservation
Content: Systematics and distribution. Morphology, biology and ecology. Observation and breeding. Endangerment and Protection.
Families covered: Hesperiidae, Psychidae, Heterogynidae, Zygaenidae, Syntomidae, Limacodidae, Drepanidae, Thyatiridae, Sphingidae.
Size: More than 1,300 color images, over 600 line drawings, 18 color plates, 670 pages.
Publisher: Pro Natura - Swiss Association for Nature Conservation
Description: After the successful first volume about the butterflies, the Swiss Lepidopterologists Team publishes a second volume, which deals with a group of moths in the same way.
The book is available in German and French. Please see on the corresponding pages for ordering information.
This work was only possible through the volunteer work of the authors and thanks to the support of many donors!